92 students … 7 native speakers … 5 days full of English

From 20 to 24 January, 92 students of the first forms had the chance to improve their English during the so-called ‘English-in-Action week’. With the help of native speakers, they could work on their English skills as only English was allowed as means of communication.

The students experienced six lessons each day in which they only spoke English and thoroughly enjoyed the chance to improve their language skills. As part of the course they worked on an English project and, moreover, they created an original sketch. The sketches were performed at the end of the week. This was great fun for the students as they were able to use their creativity to produce a final show which was entertaining, and which demonstrated their new confidence in the English language. Guided by their English teachers, the students had prepared a varied and amusing programme and they performed with enthusiasm.

(by Mag. Martina Stampfel)